Relevance and Relatability: Fomenting Active Learning about Medieval and Early Modern Cultures
To celebrate Noel Fallows’s legacy as a scholar of Medieval literature, an award-winning teacher, and a visionary administrator of international programs, we invite members of the university and wider community to join us for a conversation about strategies to illuminate the past in today’s classrooms. All are welcome.
Opening remarks: Marisa Anne Pagnattaro, University of Georgia, Interim Vice President for Instruction
Benjamin Ehlers, University of Georgia, History, moderator.
Mitchel McCoy, Belmont University, Foreign Languages
Rachel Denae Harris, University of Georgia, Romance Languages / Center for Teaching and Learning
Alexander Sager, University of Georgia, Germanic and Slavic Studies
Dana Bultman, University of Georgia, Romance Languages
Sponsor: the Early Modern Research Cluster, Willson Center for the Humanities and Arts Global Georgia Project / the Department of Romance Languages, Romance Languages Fund
Coordinator: Fernán Gómez-Monedero