Brooks Hall - Room 145
Cultural Event
Other Event
Guest Lecture
Djamila Ribeiro is one of the world's most impactful voices on race, gender, and social justice. A renowned Brazilian intellectual, philosopher, and activist, Ribeiro will share insights from her influential work, which has resonated globally, earning her a spot among BBC's 100 most influential women in 2019. Don't miss the lecture "Where We Stand*: A Look at Black Feminist Thought in Brazil" that promises to challenge and inspire.
*Books will be available for purchase
*Books will be available for purchase
Sponsors: Willson Center, Department of Romance Languages, Institute for African American Studies, Institute for Women’s Studies, English Department, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute, and the Portuguese Flagship Program.
Djamila Ribeiro Bio:
Djamila Ribeiro holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in Political Philosophy from the Federal University of São Paulo. She is the coordinator of Plural Feminisms, which comprises the Plural Feminisms Space, the online platform Plural Feminisms and the editorial label Sueli Carneiro, which publishes The Book Collection Plural Feminisms.
She is the author of the books Lugar de Fala (Where We Stand), Quem tem medo do Feminismo Negro? (Who is Afraid of Black Feminism?), Pequeno Manual Antirracista (A Short Anti-Racist Guide), and Cartas para minha avó (Letters to My Grandmother). Her books have been translated into several languages. Lugar de Fala was recently translated to English with the title Where We Stand, published by Yale University Press. Djamila Ribeiro is a current visiting professor at New York University (NYU) and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), as well as a guest researcher at the University of Mainz (Germany).
She is an immortal occupant of the chair #28 of the Academy of Letters of São Paulo. Columnist of Folha de S. Paulo, one of Brazil’s most prominent newspapers, and served as a Deputy Secretary for Human Rights in São Paulo in 2016. She is a laureate of the 2019 Prince Claus Prize, awarded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and considered by the BBC as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in the World in the same year.
In 2020, she won the Jabuti Award, the most important in Brazilian literature, in the category of Human Sciences, for A Short Anti-racist Guide. In 2021, she was the first Brazilian person in history to be honored by the BET Awards, granted by the USA Black community.
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