Topics in the study of sociolinguistics and dialectology, particularly related to Romance Languages. The topics covered in the course include (but are not limited to) quantitative methods in sociolinguistics and dialectology, language change/grammaticalization, sociophonetics, and language contact in the Romance speaking world. Taught in Spanish
*Fall 2022*
Course Title: “#dudaRAE: Language variation in social media” (SPAN 8450)
Course Description:
This course focuses on linguistic analysis of Computer- or Digitally-mediated communication. We will focus on issues related to the Romance Languages and their use in popular forms of social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.). Topics will include the representation of dialects in digital language, linguistic change in social media, and prescriptive pressures in computer-mediated communication, illustrated with the #dudaRAE hashtag used by the Real Academic Española. The course will introduce students to contemporary methods in gathering and analyzing social media data (such as R and Python). Students will be encouraged to work on topics related to any Romance Language. Taught in Spanish. No coding required.